Kiemelt kategóriák
Idézet keresése
Szerzők között
Minden egyes életünk egy színdarab, a főszerepet pedig mi játszuk. Ki jól, ki rosszul, saját döntése, bölcsessége szerint.

Emlékszel, hogy azt mondtuk "Józanok maradunk"? Hát nem sikerült...
No time. Tired. Sore. Dirty workout clothes. Blisters. It's too hot. Don't like sweating. Too many bags to carry. I'll eat less today. Hard day at work. Need a break. Great day at work. Need a reward. Just one day off.
Excuses will always be there for you.
Opportunity won't.
Angol nyelvű,
You don't know me.
You don't know anything about me. You don't know what I am made of or just how much I am capable of. You don't know where I've come from nor where I'm heading. You know nothing of my highs or my lows. You don't know how fast I am, how strong I am, how resilient I am. You haven't got a clue what breakfast cereal I eat, what fragrance I wear or who I'm dating. You don't even know my name.
But you will.
Angol nyelvű,
Ezek a ruszkik annyian vannak, mint az oroszok!
Jobban szerették egymást, mint valaha, s ezt tudták is mindketten. De azt is tudták, hogy szeretni valakit, vagy együtt élni valakivel: két egészen különrendű kérdés.
- My dad never went to college, so it was real important that I go.
- Sounds familiar.
- So I graduate, I call him up long distance, I say "Dad, now what?" He says, "Get a job."
- Same here.
- Now I'm 25, make my yearly call again. I say Dad, "Now what?" He says, "I don't know, get married."
- I can't get married, I'm a 30 year old boy.
Angol nyelvű,
Senkit nem lehet megváltoztatni csak meg lehet mutatni neki az utat a változásra!
Álmomban sokszor megfordultál
Könnyeket hagytál magad után
Mesébe illően kezdődött minden
Mégis megszűnt amiben eddig hittem.

Bármit megtettem volna érted
Bár te ezt tőlem sosem kérted
Nem volt egyikőnknek sem kegyelem
Mert ez sosem volt szerelem.
A want a tattoo. I want a few more holes in my ears. I want to travel the world, and I want to wear a dress even if I am not going anywhere special. I want to walk around barefoot in the grass every night of every summer for the rest of my life. I want to be tall enough to kiss the stars, but small enough to crawl in bed and stay there for days. I want to read tons of books, but I want to stay out late sometimes. I want to make mistakes. I want to spend a whole speaking another language. I want to write a book that no one is ever going to read but I want to love it with everything I have. I want to write letters that I am never going to send and I want to keep them under my bed until I forget about them. I want to start over a few times before I get it right. I want to accept my imperfections. I want to dye my hair two different colors and I want to paint my nails the color of the sea. I want to let myself be angry and I want to let msyelf be sad. I want to drive around for the sole reason that I felt like going for a drive. I want to stand on top of the rocks in Central Park and remember what it felt like to stand there for the very first time. I want to write it all down. I want to live the way I want to.



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