Kiemelt kategóriák
Idézet keresése
Szerzők között
It's very hard in the beginning to understand that the whole idea is not to beat the other runners. Eventually you learn that the competition is against the little voice inside you that wants you to quit.
Talmud Angol nyelvű,
Címet nem adok,
Nevet nem írok,
Ha igazán szeretsz,
tudod hogy ki vagyok.
Humoros, Szerelmes SMS,
Nothing hurts more than waiting since I don't even know what I'm waiting for anymore.
Pain is only temporary,
Pride is forever,
Pain passes with time and time passes,
Therefore pain is just a strain
on the brain without refrain,
And that's why runners are insane.
Angol nyelvű,
Csak a holdfényt tűrte el. A holdfény eltüntette a színeket, és a formákat is csak kontúrjaikban mutatta. Piszkosszürkével vonta be a tájat, és megfojtotta az életet egyetlen éjszakára. Csak ez a szürke ólomba öntött világ, ahol csak a szél mozdult néha, szürke árnyként vetült az erdőkre, és amelyben a meztelen föld szagán kívül semmi sem élt, csak az volt az egyetlen, amit még elviselt, mert ez hasonlított lelkének világához.
I'll ask polite if the devil needs a ride,
because the angel on my right
ain't hanging out with me tonight.
Körösparton sétáltam,
teli holdat láttam,
észrevettem benne az arcod,
éreztem ajkamon a csókod.
Egy igazán jó, összetartó csapattal, kevésbé jó játékosok is nyerhetnek meccset. Egy rosszal tizenegy kiváló játékosnak is nehéz.
Alkalmazkodás, Élet,
Once upon a time you and I
When we were green and easy
Fresh as limes and happy as a Sunday sky
There was nothing we could sell or buy
'Cause all we really needed
Was our bare feet and a pair of wings to fly.

Can you tell me how it used to be?
Have we missed our chance?
Have we changed our hopes for fears
And our dreams for plans?
Can you tell me how it used to be
When we really cared?
And when love was on our side
On our side...

What is your guess, darling?
Have I lived too much, too fast?
So if you
If you ever come and find me crying
Now you know
Now you know why...
Angol nyelvű, Élet,
Some nights, I stay up cashing in my bad luck
Some nights, I call it a draw
Some nights, I wish that my lips could build a castle
Some nights, I wish they'd just fall off...

But I still wake up, I still see your ghost
Oh Lord, I'm still not sure what I stand for
What do I stand for? What do I stand for?
Most nights, I don't know anymore...

Well, some nights, I wish that this all would end
Cause I could use some friends for a change
And some nights, I'm scared you'll forget me again
Some nights, I always win, I always win...

The other night, you wouldn't believe the dream I just had about you and me
I called you up, but we'd both agree
It's for the best you didn't listen
It's for the best we get our distance.
Angol nyelvű,



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